Street Yoga Poster Design – Final Draft and Process

Street Yoga Poster Design - Final Draft

I’ve been doing some volunteer graphic design for Street Yoga, a non-profit group that provides simple meditation and yogic stress-coping techniques to at-risk youth groups. This is the final draft of a poster I designed for their upcoming fundraiser, which is a circus-themed event.

3rd draft of the Street Yoga Circus poster, finalizing the layout before arranging text.

3rd draft of the Street Yoga Circus poster, finalizing the layout before arranging text.


2nd draft, playing around with Sun Salutation flames, which didn’t work here…but…might whip this idea out in the future.


1st draft, trying to find images of kids doing yoga that I could alter. Yes, I rip images from the web and make them my own. I prefer to take my own photos, but sometimes, you don’t have that kind of time.


~ by emilyeastridge on August 11, 2013.

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